1838- December 20th Born to Samuel Lyman Hinckley and Henrietta Elizabeth Rose
1838- December 30th Death of Mother Henrietta
1859- Graduated from Yale
1864- Harvard Law Degree
1864- March 23rd Commisioned as a 2nd Lt. in the Massachusetts 5th Calvary
1864- June 15th Combatant at the Battle of Baylor's Farm
1865- May 23rd Resigns his commission from the Army
1866- June 2nd Marries Mary Wright Barrett and moves into his wife's family home, The Manse
1867- Birth of Son Edward
1869- Birth of Son Donald
1871- Birth of Son Henry
1871- December 13 Death of Father
1874- Birth of Daughter Rose
1875- Birth of Son Benjamin Barrett Hinckley
1879- Birth of George
1884-5 Served on the Northampton Common Council
1885-6 Served on the Board of Alderman
1887 to 1908- President of the Northampton Cutlery Company
1903- November 20th Death of Wife Mary
1918-June 9th Dies in Northampton MA

Henry is by far the most well-documented ancestor in this project. He was a prolific writer and as a result, there is no shortage of his thoughts and movements throughout much of his life. However, it is not only his loquacious personality that has made researching him so easy. His daughter Rose transcribed many of his letters in her later years using a typewriter as well as keeping all of the originals. Then her son Benjamin used the files to aide in his research when he wrote his own book on the history of the Hinckley Yacht Company, and finally Henry's great-granddaughter Ann Levy rescued the now very old files and donated the originals to the New England Genealogical Historical Society and kept the files that Rose transcribed, which she passed on to me to aide in my research.
In a strange coincidence, this photograph of Henry in his later years as well as many other photographs of the family from this time were taken by a photographer named Katherine McClellan, who was a Smith graduate and had a photo studio in Northampton in the early 1900s.
The Text

Read by his Great Grandson Henry Rose Hinckley III.

Henry enlisted in March of 1864; the war had been raging for three long years. During that time Henry had been a student at both Harvard and Yale as well as traveling in Europe. Henry was commissioned as a 2nd Lt. in the Massachusetts 5th Calvary. This unit consisted of volunteer Black soldiers and white officers. Coincidently, this is also the same regiment as Fredrick Douglas' son, Charles, who was the first sergeant, though he was in a different company than Henry. I read twenty-nine of Henry's letters to his parents during his time with the 5th Calvary. It is apparent that Henry had had little interaction with Black Americans prior to his service. His first letters are peppered with comments such as, "There is nothing like getting used to things. When I first joined the regiment, I rather shrank from contact with a negro, and could not look them in the face without breaking into a broad grin. Now I look on them as a matter of course. I have messed with them out of the same pork barrel, drank out of their canteens, lent them my blankets, borrowed their overcoats without a particle of the fastidiousness which I used to feel towards my best friends before coming into the army." While it is clear from comments made by his father in their letters that Henry held a more progressive view than his father, his experience was still one of the privileged white upper classes. As such he had never had the opportunity to put his principles to the test before. By the time of the Battle at Baylor's farm which Henry recounts in the letter above it is clear he has gained a new appreciation for the soldiers.
The Hidden Layer