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If you are interested in commissioning a unique piece, here are a few things to think about...

Choosing an image

When choosing an image, you should consider lighting, focus, and expression. To create the very best portrait, the source image needs to have sharp focus and good lighting. The most successful portraits convey something about the personality of the subject. Serious or smiling, goofy or gorgeous, a good source picture can mean the difference between a good portrait and an exceptional one.


The cost of a commission is dependent on the complexity of the image and the chosen medium. The pricing starts at $250. The larger the image and the more complex, the higher the price. 

Please feel free to contact me to discuss the possibilities.

If you are ready to purchase an 8X10 commission or Pet Portrait you can do so here and I will contact you to decide on a reference image and set up a contract. 

Pricing Examples


Small Black and White Portrait  

8" x 10"-$400


Small pet portrait

9.5" x 9.5"-$250


Small Full Color Portrait  

8" x 10"-$800


Medium, Full Color Portrait on solid background

Head and shoulders (single figure)

18" x 18"-$1000


Large, Full Color, Full Body on solid background (single figure)

33" x 24"-$1800

Katie & Russell.jpeg

Medium/Large, Full Color Portrait on solid background

Torsos (two figures) w/ embellishments

20" x 27"-$2500

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